Dragon Hunt

by Aaron Wall

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Cast: In Order of Appearance

Queen Gertrude
She sings bad opera and is abducted by a dragon.

Mr. Hunt
He witnesses Queen Gertrude's abduction and warns the Knights. He is also the one who, in a flashback, brings an infant Princess Lia to King Charles from King Roderic of Fahr. Apparently, he struck some kind of deal with King Roderic wherein he was paid handsomely for assuring that Princess Lia would be around King Charles on her 21st birthday. Now that Princess Lia is missing and her birthday is approaching fast, the deal is in danger--and since his daughter, Julie, blew the money on clothes he can't repay!

The Dragon
It abducts Queen Gertrude and flies off into the sunset

Sir Pent
He is a melodramatic knight.

Sir Kell
He is a stolid and stout knight.

King Charles
He is the lazy King of Fayrland, and sends the Knights to slay the Dragon. He promises the hand of Princess Lia as a reward, and he won't change his mind!

????? (An Inquisitive Knight)
He asks an obvious question.

Princess Lia
Her hand is promised to whomever slays the Dragon...and she is none to thrilled to hear about this bargain! With the help of Bill, she resolves to slay the dragon first.

William Von Vaughn de Capitcha le Bonificat McMallimut Thompson Leighton the XXII, Jr. (aka: Bill)
He is the magical and enthusiastic unicorn of Fayr Forest who makes it his mission to comfort Princess Lia. Thus far, he has only succeeded in bruising her badly and talking her into a dragon-hunt. He was also unfortunate enough to be standing too close when the Princess was trying out swords, and as a result poor Bill is now a hornless unicorn!

Julie Hunt
The daughter of a family with a secret. They've struck a deal with King Roderic that involves a large sum of gold and having Princess Lia around King Charles on her 21st birthday. Julie blew most of the money on impractical outfits. She's volunteered to retreive the Princess and complete the deal so that her family won't be asked for a refund.
????? (A Bored Ranger)
He is a Ranger and proud of it! He is also the only one around that King Charles could find to go after Princess Lia when she ran away. Since he's bored, the ranger decides to take the job.
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